
" Men occupy a very small place on the planet."- THE LITTLE PRINCE: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

” Men occupy a very small place on the planet.”- THE LITTLE PRINCE: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Welcome to my website. I’m an Artist Activist living in South Florida. My main focus at the moment is the development of Beyond Words: Laugh. Cry. Adapt.  All aspects of my artistic experience, from a childhood spent in community theater, to traditional classical recital, to performance art that engages the public, are being integrated in this project.

Living in South Florida has placed me at ground zero for climate change impacts, and Beyond Words: Laugh. Cry. Adapt. is my way of externalizing the full range of emotions that impact me daily in contact with neighbors and friends. After speaking the language of policy advocacy for a few years here, I’ve decided to use my vocabulary of the arts to start a different conversation. I hope you will be a part of that conversation: real people expressing the way they feel about overwhelming scientific facts with beauty and humor. I have also enjoyed performing musical theater and opera, and have captured that joy in the duet program Just for Fun, which I’m offering locally in South Florida.    – JT


Janice is the Co-Director of Florida Earth Festival, which has a commitment to the Arts. In 2015, the festival is partnering with the City of Delray Beach, the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County, the U.S. Green Building Council of South Florida, and Florida Atlantic University’s Pine Jog Environmental Education Center to produce Public Art on Visualizing Climate Change: The HighWaterLIne Delray Beach project, with consulting artist Eve Mosher. The festival will host workshops and presentations on the science of predicting sea level rise, and the social ramifications for people living in coastal communities. The first workshop offered in Florida for practicing artists to learn about strategies and tactics to incorporate their art into climate advocacy will be hosted at Florida Earth Festival, with sponsorship from the Delray Beach Public Art Advisory Board. The Fund for Unitarian Universalist Social Responsibility and The Florida Humanities Council, with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), are funding the HighWaterLine Delray Beach project. To read more about Florida Earth Festival’s arts programming, see the Florida Earth Festival page.

International exchange through the arts, arts in education, and public advocacy have been themes in Janice’s life and work. In cooperation with the French Cultural Attaché of Virginia, she was chosen to sing the French National Anthem that opened the Spectacle Son et Lumière at THE HAMPTON COLISEUM. She has also presented a variety of French and German Art Song Programmes in support of cultural exchange in the mid-Atlantic region under the auspices of the Alliance Française and the Frauenhilfsverein of Maryland.

Her New York debut was in NOIR, a form-breaking and challenging work of 20th century music and theatre, and she participated in the World Premiere of HOMERIC HYMNS, a gala operatic concert that launched the Museum’s stunning co-venture with L’ECOLE DES BEAUX ARTS, Paris and PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: THE LEGACY OF HOMER exhibition.